Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Living with a child with HN1 flu, Asthma and respiratory problems

On October Wednesday morning, Selena had a runny noise. Later that day at 3.10pm the nurse called from her school to tell me she had been coughing and had a fever of 101.1. The nurse said she was showing sighs of someone with respiratory problems and told me to watch out for that. When she arrived home I took her temperature and it was 103.1 I gave her some Children's Tylenol medicine and an hour later her temperature went down to 97.1. That night Selena was having a asthma attack and I put her on the breathing machine. She was breathing a lot better after

I made an appointment for Thursday morning at 9.10 am. I decided to take middle child as she had the odd cough and she have Asthma. At the office the nurses checked their weight, ear and BP. The pediatrician checked Selena's lungs put her on a breading medicine and took a swab from her nostril for the H1N1 test. Her Pediatrician told me Selena had asthma and she was worried she may get pneumonia because her lungs sounded real bad. Later on her test came back positive for H1N1 flu! The doctor wrote a prescription for Selena and my other daugher.

Our life changed on Wedneday. This bag contain prescriptions for both daugthers. Bill was $214. and if we didn]t have some medicine it would have been $224

The bottle with the blue lable is the H1N1, this bottle is a whopping $50 with insurance and without is about $200-250!

My other daugther with asthma had her medications for asthma and a cough only. She did not have swine.

The doctor told me to come back on Friday so she could check her lungs for fear of her getting pneumonia. She said she will be able to return to school on Monday

My other daugther with asthma had her medications for asthma and a cough only. She did not have swine.